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 壓  機(jī)

Roller Press







  Operating Instruction












Jiangsu Pengfei Group CO.,LTD.



第一章 概述

Chapter 1 Summarize

第二章  結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)介

Chapter 2 Structure Introduction

第三章  技術(shù)性能及參數(shù)

Chapter 3 Technical Performance and Parameters

第四章  基礎(chǔ)要求及供貨范圍

Chapter 4 Foundation Requirements and Scope of Supply

第五章    設(shè)備安裝前注意事項(xiàng)

Chapter 5 Precautions before Equipment Installation

第六章  設(shè)備安裝要求

Chapter 6 Equipment Installation Requirements

第七章    各系統(tǒng)單獨(dú)空載試車及其條件

Chapter 7  Each System Separate No-load Test Run and Its Conditions

第八章  各系統(tǒng)聯(lián)動(dòng)空載及加載試車

Chapter 8  Each System Linkage No-load and Load Test

第九章    設(shè)備的正常操作與運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)

Chapter 9  Normal Operation and Running of Equipment

第十章    設(shè)備的檢修

Chapter 10 Equipment Maintenance

第十一章 常見(jiàn)故障分析及排除

Chapter 11 Common Fault Analysis and Troubleshooting

第一章   概  述

Chapter 1 Summarize


Roller press is a new type of crushing equipment developed internationally in the mid-1980s. The new extrusion grinding technology mainly composed of it has a significant effect in energy saving, and it has been widely valued by the international cement industry and has become a new technology for the development of grinding technology.


The machine applies the principle of low energy consumption for high-pressure material crushing, and adopts single-particle crushing and grouping low working mode. Brittle materials undergo high-pressure extrusion (the pressure of the machine in the pressure zone is about 150Mpa) to rapidly reduce the particle size of the material. The content of fine powder less than 0.08mm reaches 20-30%, and the material less than 2mm reaches more than 70%. There are a large number of cracks in all extruded materials, which greatly reduces the energy consumption when the materials are ground in the next process. According to the reports of relevant foreign materials and the actual use experience we have obtained, the grinding system with this equipment can increase the output by 50-200% compared with the grinding system without this equipment. Power consumption per unit of production can be reduced by 20 to 35%. And because of the small wear of the grinding roller, the unit wear is greatly reduced. At the same time, the noise and dust of the equipment are relatively small, which improves the working environment of workers and fully demonstrates its excellent economic and social benefits.


The main body of the roller crusher is two rollers rotating towards each other. The brittle material is sent by the conveying equipment to the weighing bin equipped with the weighing sensor, and then passes through the feeding device of the roller press, and enters between two relatively rotating rollers of the same size, and the material is pulled into the roller gap by the roller side. On one side, the material is pressed into a compact material cake with the high pressure in between, and finally falls from the roll gap, passes through the discharge hopper, and is lifted by the conveying equipment. From the next process, the material cake is further dispersed or ground.  

第二章  結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)介

Chapter 2 Structure introduction


The structure of the roller crusher is complex, the load is large, and the system and components are many. In order to use the equipment better, it is necessary to understand the various components and systems.


The equipment is composed of shaft system, main frame, feeding device, driving system, hydraulic system, lubrication system, roller cover, and detection system. See the general drawing of the roller press.


The two grinding rollers are respectively fixed roller and movable roller. The movable roller is installed on the guide rail in the inner cavity of the machine frame, and the fixed roller is fixedly installed on the column of the machine frame. The feeding device, hydraulic system and lubrication system are all installed on the main frame. The main reducer-planetary reducer is suspended on the main shaft with shrink sleeve coupling, and its output torque is balanced by torque balance device. The driving torque of the main motor is transmitted to the planetary reducer through the cross shaft universal joint drive shaft.


The shaft system is divided into two sets, one of which is fixed, that is, the fixed roller shaft system, and the other is capable of reciprocating horizontally in the inner cavity of the frame, that is, the moving roller shaft system. The high pressure on the material formed between the two grinding rollers is generated by the hydraulic cylinder in the hydraulic system. When no material passes through, the force generated by the hydraulic cylinder is transmitted from the moving roller bearing seat to the fixed roller bearing seat via the intermediate frame. Regardless of whether the material passes through the grinding roller, the squeezing and crushing force is balanced on the frame, and basically not transmitted to the foundation. The hydraulic cylinder and the accumulator in the equipment form the hydraulic spring, which maintains a relatively constant squeezing and crushing force, and also has a safety protection function. The main motor adopts AC asynchronous motor, and the whole machine adopts microcomputer control.


The main components of the equipment are introduced as follows:


1. shaft system of main shaft


The component consists of grinding roller main shaft with a certain thickness of wear-resistant material, double-row spherical roller bearings, bearing seats, inner and outer bearing end covers, locating rings, end face thermal resistance, water cooling system and other parts. See the shaft system assembly drawing.


The main shaft adopts split type and consists of two parts: the shaft body and the shaft sleeve. The surface of the shaft sleeve is welded with a wear-resistant layer. After the wear-resistant layer is worn out, it can be directly repaired by welding. If the sleeve is used to the extent that it cannot be repaired, it can be replaced with a new sleeve. The two bearing supports of the main shaft are both tapered sections, so that the main bearing can be disassembled with the aid of an ultra-high pressure oil pump, which is convenient for maintenance and replacement.


The main bearing adopts the double row spherical roller bearing with self-aligning function. The bearing has the characteristics of large carrying capacity and long life, and uses intelligent dry oil lubrication to ensure good lubrication conditions.


The end surface thermal resistance is used to detect the working temperature of the main bearing. It is closely attached to the outer ring of the main bearing to ensure continuous detection, alarm and control the main bearing temperature.


The water cooling system is used to reduce the working temperature of the main shaft and bearings, so that the shafting system can run stably and continuously.


2. main frame

主機(jī)架是整個(gè)擠壓粉碎機(jī)的基礎(chǔ), 擠壓粉碎力由其承受。為便于減輕重量全部采用焊接結(jié)構(gòu),由上、下橫梁、左、右立柱、承載銷、定位銷、導(dǎo)軌及聯(lián)接螺栓組等組成。見(jiàn)主機(jī)架裝配示意圖。上、下橫梁、左、右立柱均在焊接后作了整體退火處理,以消除其焊接應(yīng)力。

The main frame is the foundation of the entire extrusion crusher, and the crushing force is borne by it. In order to reduce the weight, all welded structures are adopted, which are composed of upper and lower beams, left and right columns, bearing pins, positioning pins, guide rails and connecting bolt groups. See the main frame assembly drawing. The upper and lower beams, the left and right columns are all annealed after welding to eliminate the welding stress.

上、下橫梁采用工字型結(jié)構(gòu),具有較大的剛度, 左、右立柱采用工字型與箱型結(jié)構(gòu)相結(jié)合的結(jié)構(gòu),同樣具有較高的剛度,使整個(gè)機(jī)架可連接成為一個(gè)剛性的整體。

The upper and lower beams adopt I-shaped structure, which has greater rigidity. The left and right columns adopt the structure that combines I-shaped and box-shaped structures, which also have high rigidity, so that the entire frame can be connected to become a rigid overall.


The load-bearing pin mainly plays the role of transmitting the crushing force on the column to the upper and lower beams. Pay attention to its markings during installation.


The main function of the positioning pin is to determine the center distance of the upper and lower beams on both sides.


The guide rail is set as the guide device of the movable roller bearing seat. The width of the rail on both sides is different, and the guide rail near the driving side should be wider.


The bolt group is the key to ensure the frame connection. Therefore, the high-strength bolts cannot be substituted with ordinary bolts, and the tightening torque should be controlled when tightening.


3. feeding device


The feeding device is an important device to ensure that the materials can enter the pressure zone uniformly and quantitatively, and make the materials well squeezed. During work, the material always fills the entire feeding device and is guided by it into the pressure zone of the grinding roller.


The feeding device is composed of the feeding tube, gate plate, the lower side plate, support, screw rod, connecting rod, and motor reducer. For details, please refer to the random parts assembly drawing of the feeding device.


At the lower end of the side baffle, the high-hardness cemented carbide material is set in the severely worn parts of the pressure zone. This can reduce wear and improve the extrusion quality of the material being extruded.


The lever-type energy-saving feeding device composed of gate plate, screw rod, connecting rod, and motor reducer. The screw rod is controlled by the motor reducer, and the opening of the gate is controlled by the connecting rod, so as to achieve the effect of controlling the processing capacity. .


The side plate tightening device is used to control the gap between the side baffle plate and the end surface of the grinding roller. The device is composed of bracket, tightening screw, butterfly spring and spring seat.


The gap between the lower end of the side baffle and the end surface of the grinding roller can be adjusted by tightening the screw. The adjusting pressure plate can adjust the tightening force of the butterfly spring, so that the side baffle can ensure a proper gap with the end face of the grinding roller during normal operation, and reduce the material leakage of the end face of the grinding roller.


4. main motor and driving system


The main motor is the main power source of the complete roller press. Two high-voltage three-phase asynchronous motors are used, which can be purchased by the user or commissioned by the manufacturer.


The driving system adopts the international advanced planetary reducer suspension driving device. The output shaft of the planetary reducer is rigidly fixed on the main shaft of the grinding roller through the shrink sleeve coupling (see the main shaft connection drawing). The installation and positioning basis of the reducer is the grinding roller main shaft, and the reducer can move horizontally with the main shaft. The output torque of the reducer is balanced by the torque support device (see the schematic drawing of the torque support device). The torque support includes one four-bar linkage and an elastic system. The torque support can meet the horizontal movement of the movable roller, and at the same time has the functions of load balancing, vibration absorption and buffering, and can reduce the processing and installation accuracy. All articulation points in the four-bar linkage mechanism adopt joint bearings with sealing rings, which is highly adaptable. The elastic element in the elastic system adopts butterfly springs with small axial size and large stiffness coefficient. In the equipment work, the tensioning force of the spring can be adjusted by the adjusting device, so that the elastic system can adapt to the condition of the equipment load. The main motor and the planetary reducer are connected by the universal joint drive shaft. Because the universal joint drive shaft is arranged at the high-speed end, the torque required to transmit by itself is relatively small and the speed is high. And the cross-shaft universal joint drive shaft used has the characteristics of high driving efficiency, large transmission torque, smooth transmission, good lubrication conditions, and large node inclination.


The shrink sleeve coupling used in the driving system is the non-standard accessory. It consists of the round tapered shrink sleeve, two shrink disks, the high-strength bolt group and the dust ring. Its working principle is: Tighten the high-strength bolts to make the round tapered shrink sleeve compress the hollow shaft of the reducer, and make it elastically deform, tightly hug the main shaft journal of the grinding roller, and the friction force generated by the positive pressure is used to transmit torque and reducer positioning.


5. hydraulic system


The hydraulic system is set up to provide the required squeezing and crushing force for the grinding roller. Its main function is hydraulic spring, which also has hydraulic protection function. Its performance directly affects the quality of crushed materials and the safety of equipment.


The system consists of three parts: pump station, valve table and oil cylinder (see hydraulic system drawing). The oil cylinder is directly installed on the frame, and the valve table and pump station are integrated on the oil tank, and then connected by pipelines.


The pumping station provides hydraulic oil pumps, which are mainly composed of oil pumps, oil pump motors, overflow valves, pressure gauges and oil filters. The oil filter of the pump station is arranged in series with the pressurized main oil circuit, so that the hydraulic oil enters the main oil circuit after being filtered by the oil filter. In order to avoid the blockage of system components that may be caused by impurities entering the main oil circuit, the system pressure can be steplessly adjusted according to operation needs. The pressure required by the control system can be steplessly adjusted. The oil filter is equipped with the pressure difference signaling device. When the oil filter cartridge is blocked and the pressure difference on both sides reaches a certain value, an alarm signal will be issued to notify the operator to clean or replace the filter cartridge. The valve table is the main oil circuit and control oil circuit of the hydraulic system, which is composed of two large-capacity accumulators and an electromagnetic overflow valve. When working, the four main cylinders are connected to the two accumulators through large-diameter pipelines, so that the pressure between them is always the same. The dynamic characteristics of the cylinders are sensitive and the flow rate is large. Once foreign matter enters the grinding roller room, when the system pressure rises, it can open the pressure relief in time to protect the main equipment. The overflow valve can be controlled hydraulically and electrically. When debugging and handling accidents, you can press the button to relieve or adjust the pressure. The pressure sensor and the electric contact pressure gauge are additionally arranged on the valve table. The pressure signal of the pressure system can be transmitted to the main control room and the control cabinet through the pressure sensor, and it is interlocked with the main machine, which is also convenient for the operator to observe and operate. The electric contact pressure gauge mainly controls the upper and lower limits of the hydraulic system pressure. Control the opening and closing of the oil pump motor of the pump station.


The four oil cylinders directly act on the bearing seat of the movable roller to provide proper crushing force for the grinding roller. The force of the oil cylinder can act on the single-sided bearing seat or the double-sided bearing seat through the conversion of the oil circuit control system. When the grinding roller is separated, the horizontal displacement of the two bearing seats is detected and controlled by the displacement sensor. The oil cylinder is composed of cylinder body, piston, end cover, wear ring and sealing ring. See the cylinder assembly drawing, the cylinder is the double-acting cylinder, so that once the equipment's feeding system fails, the movable roller can be pulled back with the oil cylinder in time to increase the gap and eliminate the fault.


An annular pressure head is arranged on the end surface of the piston rod of the oil cylinder to prevent additional radial load to the hydraulic cylinder when the axis of the moving roller is deflected.


6. lubrication system


The lubrication system is used for the lubrication and sealing of the main bearing and the lubrication of the movable roller bearing seat. The lubrication system can adapt to the dusty working environment and can ensure that the main bearing and the movable roller bearing seat work under good lubrication conditions.


The system is divided into several parts: control system, electric fuel pump, electric lubrication pump electromagnetic feeder, feed oil pipe, control and signal circuit.


The control part of the system can control the start and stop of the electric refueling pump, the electric lubrication pump, and the operation of the electromagnetic oil feeder; according to the usage of each lubrication point of the field equipment, control the opening and closing of the electromagnetic oil feeder to realize the control of lubrication point oil supply. The proximity switch is installed on the electromagnetic oil feeder to monitor the operating status and cycle times of the lubrication point, and feedback the information to the control system.


The control system has three control modes: stand-alone, automatic and remote.


(1) Stand-alone means that the refueling pump, lubrication pump and electromagnetic oil feeder in the dry oil lubrication system can be started independently on the touch screen without any interlocking relationship. This control method is mainly used for system debugging and maintenance.


(2) Automatic refers to the realization of automatic start and automatic stop of the system on the touch screen. The oil pump, lubrication pump and electromagnetic oil feeder operate in a chain relationship:


1) Fuel pump: After the system runs automatically, if the fuel tank level is lower than the lower limit, the fuel pump will automatically start, and if the liquid level is higher than the upper limit, the fuel pump will automatically stop;


2) Lubrication pump and electromagnetic oil feeder: The operating state of the lubrication pump is mainly determined by the electromagnetic oil feeder. As long as one electromagnetic oil feeder is energized to supply oil to the lubrication point, the lubrication pump must be in operation. The electromagnetic oil feeders are all de-energized, and the lubrication pump stops after running for 20 seconds. Each electromagnetic oil feeder is determined by the number of cycles and cycle time whether it is working or not. After the electromagnetic oil feeder is working, the system starts to count. When the number of cycles of the solenoid oil feeder (the number of power gains and losses of the solenoid valve) reaches the set value, the solenoid valve will automatically lose power immediately, stop supplying oil to the lubrication point, and enter the cycle intermittent time; after the intermittent time is over, the corresponding electromagnetic oil feeder enters the working state.


(3) Remote means that the equipment is controlled to start and stop by the drive signal from the central control room, and the system receives remote interlock signals and feedback fault signals. When in remote control mode, the operation process of the equipment is the same as in automatic control mode.


The system can fully realize fully automatic lubrication. And can manually/automatically switch function. Each point of oil supply is arbitrarily set by the time control site, with reliable performance and advanced technology. It is an ideal computer-controlled lubrication system. For details, please refer to the lubrication system manual.


7. detecting system


The detection system is distributed in each system as detection and control of various signals and parameters. The signal detected by the detection element realizes the interlocking, indication and alarm between the systems. Realize the automatic control of equipment.


1. Roll gap detection between two grinding rolls


Roll gap detection uses two inductive displacement sensors, which are respectively set on the two bearing seats of the movable roller. The sensor can reflect the gap of the two grinding rollers at any time, that is, reflect the thickness of the material cake. When the two bearing seats move unevenly, the deviation can also be reflected. When one of the two bearing seats or both bearing seats retract to the set maximum displacement, an alarm is issued and the main motor is locked in parallel to ensure the safety of the equipment.


2. Main bearing temperature detection


The end face platinum thermistor is used for main bearing temperature detection. Each bearing is tested separately. The thermal resistance of the end face is tightly attached to the outer ring of the bearing to detect and reflect the working temperature of the main bearing at any time. When the working temperature reaches the set maximum value, an alarm is issued to notify the operator.


3. Hydraulic system pressure detection


Pressure sensor is used for hydraulic system pressure detection. The sensor detects the signal and transmits it to the main machine control cabinet. When the system pressure exceeds the set maximum system pressure, an alarm is issued and the main drive motor is stopped immediately.


4. Lubrication system work detection

潤(rùn)滑系統(tǒng)工作檢測(cè)采用接近開(kāi)關(guān)。該接近開(kāi)關(guān)安裝在系統(tǒng)分油器上,當(dāng)分油器正常工作時(shí), 接近開(kāi)關(guān)每隔一相同的時(shí)間動(dòng)作指示一次,當(dāng)某一油路阻塞時(shí),則接近開(kāi)關(guān)始終不動(dòng)作。但必須注意的是,分油器或者接近開(kāi)關(guān)的動(dòng)作前提,必須是以潤(rùn)滑油泵電機(jī)工作正常和貯油筒中未斷油脂為前提條件。

The lubrication system work detection adopts the proximity switch. The proximity switch is installed on the system oil separator. When the oil separator is working normally, the proximity switch will operate at the same time interval. When a certain oil circuit is blocked, the proximity switch will not operate. But it must be noted that the preconditions for the action of the oil separator or proximity switch must be the normal operation of the lubricating oil pump motor and the unbroken grease in the oil storage tank.


5. Hydraulic pump station oil filter pressure difference alarm


The differential pressure alarm of the oil filter adopts the differential pressure signaling device. When the oil filter is used for a period of time, the filtered impurities may block the filter cartridge, causing the pressure difference between the two sides of the oil filter to increase. When it increases to a certain value, the main control cabinet sends out an audible and visual alarm signal. It is worth noting that the signal will only be sent when the oil filter is working.


8. roller cover


The main function of the roller cover: One is to prevent accidental casualties and equipment damage; the other is to seal and reduce dust. Both roller covers are provided with observation and inspection door holes, so that the wear of the roller surface can be checked at any time when the equipment is running.









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